Natural - Funeral Flowers

You loved nature. In all its splendor. Outside, that's where you wanted to be. You felt at ease there. That is why you often where out in the open. A natural person "pur sang"

Kenmerken: Je hield van de natuur. In al haar pracht. Buiten, daar wilde je zijn. Daar voelde je je op je gemak. Daarom haalde je buiten ook vaak naar binnen. Een natuurmens pur sang.


Natural funeral flowers

"Comfort Yourself With Memories"

The Natural funeral flower arrangement is divided into the following styles: Twilight, Silent landscape, Summer wind (100% sustainable) and Eternal nature (100% degradable). Depending on the style you prefer, you can choose which form of binding you want on the funeral flowers page. The possible binding forms we have are:

    • Funeral bouquet in vase
    • Funeral bouquet
    • Biedermeier
    • Oval Shape
    • Tear dropshape
    • Funeral coffin flowers
    • Funeral wreath, Funeral Cross, or  Funeral heart shap

It depends on the style which binding form is available

Are you looking for a modest funeral bouquet or a more colorful funeral bouquet? We also have a collection of romantic funeral bouquets and youthful funeral bouquets.