Custom made

Do you have specific wishes and do you want our florist to make a personalized arrangement?

Then you can pass on your preference to our florist. Based on color, style and preference of flowers / plants. Our florist will use this information to get to work. And based on your preferences and his years of expertise, he will put together a personalized order for you.

Customized bouquet.

It's very nice that you want to surprise someone with a beautiful bouquet of flowers. You can send a customized bouquet put together by our local florist according to your specific preferences. Our professional florist takes into account the colors, flower types and the type of bouquet with which you want to surprise the recipient.

Order a customized bouquet.

Create your customized flower arrangement.

Even if you want to surprise someone with a beautiful customized flower arrangement, you can have the local florist arrange a customized flower arrangement that meets your wishes. The professional florist also takes into account the colors, flower types and the style of the flower arrangement with which you want to surprise the recipient.

Create a customized flower arrangement here.

Create a customized a plant arrangement.

Do you want to surprise the recipient with a special plant arrangement that is made according to your specific preferences? The local florist can also put together a beautiful arrangement for you with this.

Create here a customized a plant arrangement.

Flowering plant choice from the Florist

The range of flowering plants at our local florists changes weekly. In addition to the standard flowering plants that the florist has in his range, special flowering plants are also brought in every time. Select this option and the florist will select a beautiful flowering plant for you from the available range.

Order a flowering plant

Green plant choice from the Florist

The range of green plants at our local florists also changes from week to week. In addition to the standard range of green plants that the florist has in his shop, special types of green plants come in every time. Select this option and the florist will select a beautiful green plant for you from the available range.

Order a green plant

Compose a customized funeral bouquet.

Our local florist can also compose a funeral bouquet based on your specific wishes for a sad occasion such as a funeral or saying goodbye. Tell us in which colors and the style and/or flower types you would like to see incorporated in the funeral bouquet. the professional florist will then work with you to put together a beautiful funeral bouquet for you.

Order a customized funeral bouquet here.