More with flowers and plant

Besides bouquets, there is of course much more that can be done with flowers.

If the past few years have taught us anything, it is that connection with the people around us is very important. What we really need is no digital like or share. These are moments of real togetherness. Laughing together, crying together, an embrace in happy and sad times. In short: it is essential to share feelings with each other in the moments that matter. And you can make these moments even more special with flowers.

How to get more out of flowers?

Natural Beauty in Abundance: A Plea for More Flowers

In today's hectic world, where days are filled with technology, deadlines and stress, there is a growing need for simple, soothing and connecting elements in our lives. One of the most enchanting ways to fulfill these desires is to increase the presence of flowers. Flowers are not just colorful ornaments in nature; they are also powerful symbols of beauty, vitality and positive energy. In this article we will explore the many reasons why we should embrace more flowers in our daily lives and in our environment.

The Magic of Flowers: More than Decoration

Flowers are not only aesthetic additions to our environment, but they also bring profound benefits to our well-being. Research has shown that exposure to flowers can lead to a reduction in stress levels and an increase in positive emotions. The colors, scents and shapes of flowers have the ability to stimulate our senses and create a feeling of joy and calm. In addition, flowers are also known for their air-purifying properties, making them a valuable addition to our living environment.

Biodiversity and Ecological Balance

Adding more flowers to our environment not only contributes to our individual well-being, but also to the maintenance of biodiversity and ecological balance. Flowers play a crucial role in attracting pollinators such as bees, butterflies and birds. These pollinators are essential for maintaining the food chain and promoting the growth of various plant species. By introducing more flowers, we contribute to maintaining a healthy and balanced ecosystem.

Flowers as Symbols of Connection

In an increasingly virtual and digitalized world, flowers offer a tangible way to connect. Giving and receiving flowers is an age-old tradition that can convey deep emotions and feelings. Whether it is a bouquet for a loved one, flowers as a congratulations on special occasions or simply as a gesture of friendship, flowers act as powerful symbols of love, joy and connection between people.

Flowers in Public Spaces: Urban Beautification and Community Spirit

Imagine a city in which parks, squares and streets are lavishly decorated with flowers. This vision goes beyond aesthetics; it has significant benefits for city residents. Public spaces infused with flowers not only create a pleasant environment for relaxation and recreation, but also promote a sense of community spirit. People come together in these green oases, share moments of joy and find peace in the midst of natural splendor.

Flowers in the Garden: An Oasis of Peace and Creativity

A personal garden filled with a variety of flowers offers an escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Gardening itself is a therapeutic activity that reduces stress and stimulates creativity. Choosing flowers for the garden, planting them, caring for them and watching them grow gives a deep sense of satisfaction. Furthermore, flowering gardens attract a variety of insects, helping to promote local biodiversity.

Flowers in Art and Culture: Inspiration and Expression

Flowers have inspired artists and writers throughout the ages. The diversity of colors, shapes and scents offers an inexhaustible source of creative expression. Paintings, poetry, music and other forms of art often have flowers as a central theme. By embracing more flowers, we not only bring beauty to our living environment, but we also nourish the creative spirit and stimulate cultural expression.

Practical Steps to More Flowers

Now that we've explored the many benefits of more flowers, it's time to think about practical steps to integrate this natural beauty into our lives. Here are some suggestions:

1. Planting flower gardens: Whether you have a small garden or only have room for pots on your balcony, creating a flower garden is a great way to bring more flowers into your life.

2. Flowers in the house: Buy fresh flowers regularly to brighten up your house. Choose flowers that have your favorite colors and scents, and changing bouquets regularly keeps things interesting.

3. Participate in community projects: Join local community projects that focus on city beautification with flowers. This can range from planting flowers in public parks to decorating city squares.

4. Give flowers as a gift: Surprise friends and family with flowers as a gift. They don't have to be expensive bouquets; the gesture itself is valuable.

5. Flowers as decoration: Integrate flowers into your daily life by using them as d


We can't say it often enough: flowers make you happy. Scientific research shows that they put a genuine smile on your face. And that's not all: flowers provide a better mood in the short and longer term! They are even able to make a morning mood disappear. Flowers also boost the health of the elderly. See here how to order Flowers.


The message is clear: we need more flowers. So we created a heartwarming bouquet to give as a gift to a loved one. And did you know that by giving a bouquet you are seen as more successful, caring and intelligent? There is no more powerful gift than flowers. And to reinforce that message and to create a real wow effect with flowers, you of course create a real sea of ​​flowers, or flower infinity.


You already knew that you declare your love with red roses. But what about flower etiquette in the theater, at a wedding or a funeral? What can you do better and not do? And which flowers do you give in difficult situations? There is a suitable flower for every feeling. And can't find exactly what you're looking for, or can't get enough of the history and symbolism of flowers?